terça-feira, 13 de agosto de 2013

                                          Gustave Courbet "A Origem do Mundo" (1866)

 O propósito em literatura sugere-me desfechos previsíveis, sem a (apesar dela) providencial, improvável e salvadora intervenção do acaso ou do mal-entendido. Se a arte, assim minusculada  (...e quem por igrejas ou por certos partidos passou, facilmente me entenderá), só tem a ganhar com anonimatos e se se oferece salvática à humanidade também é certo que canibaliza os seus cultores e, sobretudo, os seus fazedores. O paradoxo ou, com mais exacto rigor, a natureza paradoxal de todo o resultado artístico é não o fim do caminho mas a evidência, por mais que tal repugne a papagaios e tolos de pena na pata e na alminha, que a verdade despida de atavios, despojada de cosméticos ou próteses pagas é o que a arte sabe e o homem persegue.

chaos  Unpredictable and seemingly random behaviour occurring in a system that should be governed by deterministic laws. In such systems, the equations that describe the way the system changes with time are
nonlinear and involve several variables. Consequently, they are very sensitive to the initial conditions, and a very small initial difference may make an enormous change to the future state of the system. Originally, the theory was introduced to describe unpredictability in meteorology, as exemplified by the butterfly effect. It has been suggested that the dynamical equations governing the weather are so sensitive to the initial data that whether or not a butterfly flaps its wings in one part of the world may make the difference between a tornado occurring or not occurring in some other part of the world.
Chaos theory has subsequently been extended to other branches of science; for example to turbulent flow, planetary dynamics, and electrical oscillations in physics, and to combustion processes and oscillating reactions in chemistry.
         "A Dictionary of Science" (Oxford University Press, 2010)